Pieces = "Repertoire"?

Over the years, as we practice new pieces and feature them at such occasions as, e.g., various ► hausmusiken, we add the titles to a growing list. We would not call it a "repertoire" list because being able to perform any number of previously rehearsed pieces at all times – that is something we really must leave to professional musicians. 

By the way: A probably near-complete list of piano trios with a flute that are available somewhere and somehow can be found in ► WorldCat

In our list, the remark "in unserer Version für Klavier, Flöte und Violoncello" (= "in our version for piano, flute, and cello") means: Some passages had to be moved to a different octave for the flute. Whereas "in unserer eigenen Fassung für Klavier, Flöte und Violoncello" (= "in our own arrangement for piano, flute, and violoncello") means that more adjustments had to be made. A link (in red) will take you to newly set flute or cello parts, in some cases, only to individual pages, in other cases, to revised parts for an entire trio, which can be purchased from ScoreExchange – simply click on the ►link highlighted in red.

Michael Knoch on ScoreExchange.com


We have practiced the listed pieces thoroughly and – if a date is given – eventually performed them.


The actual list is on the German-language page ► Stücke.

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Michael Knoch

Blücherstr. 53, D-10961 Berlin
Gern per E-Mail: terzando@gmx.de
Oder telefonisch: +49 30  824 0108

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